How Much Do Piranhas Cost?

Have you ever wondered How Much Do Piranhas Cost? Then, read this article to find out detailed information on how much does a piranha cost

How Much Do Piranhas Cost
How Much Do Piranhas Cost


What pops up in your mind as soon as you hear the word “piranha”? Do you have an image of a ferocious wild fish with razor-sharp teeth that enjoys tearing up flesh? If yes, you aren’t wrong to think so. Piranhas do indeed have a deadly reputation. Surprisingly, piranhas are now kept as pets in some aquariums. Keeping a piranha can be considered quite risky and scary.

The name “Piranha” was derived from the language of Tupi, by the Tupi people. Piranhas come under the Animalia Kingdom.

However, finding them in aquariums might be rare, as piranhas are considered wild and it is illegal to sell or buy piranhas in many states of the United States. But it is legal in a few states where they are sold at much higher prices.

Piranhas were first found in Southern American waters, especially the Amazonian River. Although we might have come across sources stating that Piranhas are lethal, they don’t possess immediate danger to human beings. But attacks did happen in the past, when they were frightened or when the water height was reduced during summer, and when they were hungry. Warning boards are placed in many areas prone to Piranha attacks.

Prices of Piranhas based on their sizes

Price of a Red-Bellied Piranha

  • It is the most common type of piranha that is kept as a pet by many people.
  • Red-Bellied Piranhas have a crazy appetite for meat that is fresh. They usually hunt their prey in large teams and have teeth that are sharper than those of other fish of their type.
  • Red-Bellied Piranhas are also known to make sounds similar to those of a dog barking.
  • The prices of Red-Bellied Piranhas are estimated at around $5 to $70, based on their breed.
  • A small school of 8 to 10 Red-Bellied Piranhas may even cost up to $80 to $100.
  • A juvenile Piranha measures approximately one-third of an inch. They are estimated to cost around $10 to $30. The prices shoot up eventually as the piranhas’ size grows up.
  • As Red-Bellied Piranhas fall under the category of schooling fish, it’s best to let them live in groups along with other fish of their same breed.

Price of a Black Piranha

  • The Black Piranha also goes by the alias Red-Eye Piranha because of the red color of its eye.
  • Unlike Red-Bellied Piranhas, Black Piranhas prefer to be lonely. Thus, it’s wise to buy one.
  • New-born Black Piranhas measure approximately one or two inches, and their price falls around $30. Whereas, bigger ones cost even more, like the 10-inch Black Piranha that goes for $650.

Price of a Hollandi Piranha

  • Like the Black Piranha, the Hollandi Piranha prefers to travel solo as a pet.
  • Hollandi Piranhas are dangerous and mostly feed on live foods and frozen foods.
  • An average Hollandi Piranha measuring about 2.5-Inch is roughly sold at $30.

Price of a Wimple Piranha

  • Wimple Piranhas never grow too large, which makes them suitable species for smaller aquariums.
  • Four inches is their maximum growth limit and they prefer to live with the same species.
  • A Wimple Piranha that measures around 2 inches can be bought for $20-$30.

Price of a Marginatus Piranha

  • The most expensive breed on this list is the Marginatus Piranha.
  • A 2-3-inch Marginatus Piranha costs around $100.
  • Marginatus Piranha falls under the omnivorous category, and plants are preferred by them as food.
  • Dark places are also favored by Marginatus Piranhas.

Price of a Ternetzi Piranha

  • Ternetzi Piranhas are one of the most good-looking species and are hard to find, but also resilient.
  • Young Ternetzi Piranhas are extremely hard to get captured. As a result, it is unlikely to be able to purchase a young Ternetzi Piranha.
  • A Ternetzi that roughly measures around 4 inches can be sold for up to $60.
  • Their growth limit won’t exceed 7 inches. They like to swim around with their species.

Various reasons behind the prices of Piranhas


  • There’s something that you should know before purchasing a Piranha. The smaller the fish, the lesser the money.
  • Their growth spurt sticks around for 6-7 months when they are young. After that, there isn’t much change in their size.
  • However, Piranhas have a lifespan similar to that of cats. They can live around for a decade and a half, and even for 20 years if taken care of.
  • As a result of their longer lifespan, it takes a tremendous amount of time for them to grow from a hatchling into an adult.


  • Some Piranha breeds are easy to find and pretty common, and some are exceptional.
  • The Red-Bellied Piranha is the most popular species. It is also sold at a low price when compared with other species.
  • A Piraya Piranha that measures around 3-4 inches is usually sold for $140-$200.
  • One of the rarest breeds of Piranha is the San Francisco Piranha, and it is sold for up to a total of $1400-$1500 when it is at its maximum growth limit.
  • As we discussed earlier, the prices are commonly based on the size and availability of the species.


  • The price of the breed you buy is also determined by the shop you buy it from.
  • It also depends upon the legality of the breed’s sale.
  • Breeders who stick to legal business usually sell piranhas at a much higher price than regular breeders.

Accessories required to keep a Piranha


  • Piranhas tend to grow larger in a short period. It will be necessary for you to buy a spacious tank to avoid troubles and conflicts between the piranhas.
  • Some people buy a small tank at first and go for large tanks as their piranhas start growing.
  • To avoid additional expenses, it is better to buy a large, spacious tank at the very beginning.
  • For beginners, having a 225-liter tank is necessary for the first couple of piranhas you buy. For every additional fish you buy after that, 75 liters of water is mandatory. This tremendous amount of space is required just for adult piranhas.
  • The tank must be placed in a quiet spot as piranhas tend to go crazy when they are subjected to loud noises. You wouldn’t want your piranhas falling out of the tank and making a mess, would you?


  • Gravel stones are identified as the best substrate for Piranhas.
  • It should be measured in the ratio of 450 grams of gravel for every 3.5 Liters.
  • The approximate price of gravel for the above-mentioned tank is roughly about $20.


  • Make sure that your Piranha feels like it is back home when you add it to your tank.
  • The best way to make sure of this is by planting many small rocks and tiny plants inside the tank.
  • Based on the size of your tank, and the number of piranhas you own, decorations might roughly cost $40-$100.


  • Piranhas usually like to stay away from lighted spots. They also love to hide under spacious holes.
  • Low-cost lights can be placed for lighting purposes. Tank lights will set you back by $40-$50.

Filters and pumps for the tank

  • Maintaining the cleanliness of the water and the tank is more important than you may think.
  • A well-maintained filtration system is essential for the cleanliness of a huge tank.
  • A suitable filter for your aquarium will almost certainly cost more than $50.
  • Pumps are crucial to your tanks as they help oxygenate the water as well as provide oxygen to your piranhas.
  • Filters and pumps also provide lateral streamlines in the water, which can make piranhas feel like they are swimming in their habitats.


  • Feeding your piranha might be an ongoing cost as it is important to ensure a stable and balanced diet for your piranha.
  • Piranhas feed on insects, worms, meats, and organic matter.
  • Food costs will start increasing as the piranhas begin growing and get bigger. The bigger the piranha, the more food it consumes.
  • An estimated average of $20–50 might suffice each month to spend on food items for your piranha.


With proper attention and frequent low expenses, piranhas are considered a not-so-expensive pet to own. But, owning a piranha is expensive when compared to other fish. Getting a big tank, in the beginning, is wise, as your piranhas will start growing in the next few months after you buy it. Piranhas play an important role in balancing the ecosystem in their habitat by consuming dead and rotting animals.

Piranhas will not attack humans as long as they don’t feel threatened by them. Owning a Piranha will leave your guests amazed when they give you a visit. Be well aware of all the facts and information before you buy a piranha as a pet.

Hope now you got a clear answer to your question on how much is a piranha, you would have got information about piranha prices of all the top famous breeds. Do feel free to share this article with your friends and family to let them know about how much are piranhas at present.

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